DESERT photovoltaic machinery delivered to first brazilian customer
J.v.G. Thoma GmbH is delivering a DESERT turnkey production line to Brazil.
J.v.G. Thoma GmbH is delivering a DESERT turnkey production line to Brazil.
200 Gäste aus Politik und Wirtschaft versammelten sich am 2. Juni, um den Startschuss der Produktion in der J.v.G. Jaha…
200 guests from politics and business came together on 2nd June to hear the starting signal for production at J.v.G.…
The first Factory to be shipped shortly
Erste Fabrik in Kürze per Schiff unterwegs
The mandatory test was concluded at the end of November 2015 and can now be used for all deliveries to…
Bayerischer Solarspezialist gründet Joint Venture und liefert schlüsselfertige Anlage nach Pristina
The desert modules manufactured by J.v.G. Thoma are designed to withstand the toughest of weather conditions - particularly those in…
Die Desert Module von J.v.G. Thoma sind dafür konzipiert, widrigsten Witterungsbedingungen Stand zu halten - insbesondere in extrem heißen Regionen.