• 12. März 2025

New Definition of Vegan Raw Health


Juni 16, 2015

The Art of Healing by http://ginsterkater.com/ now freely available – where art and science are merging

New Definition of Vegan Raw Health

(NL/4240875564) The Art of Healing – presented by http://ginsterkater.com/ is now available free of charge as ebook.
With this new kind of artwork the vegan raw food movement is gaining momentum.

„- the art of healing – is now available free of charge at

Developed and beautifully illustrated with
hi-quality artworks and photographs representing
ancient concepts of health merged with the best
of independent science the truth is now
revelead for all of humanity. The superbly illustrated book is
aimed at the well being of all of gods creatures on this planet earth.
Concepts illustrated and explained are quantum consciousness,
time, space time dimensions, mind-body medicine,
ascension, detox etc… to name a few.
Made with love this ebook is an artwork representing
the very best of handmade recipes of low cost yet hi-quality raw vegan
haute cuisine.

free download available @ the following vast online resource: http://ginsterkater.com/

The best of mind body medicine brought to the level of vegan raw food health.
With the convergence of quantum science and ancient systems of medicine
the truth in respect to healing and awakening of the full human potential
is revealed. May humans find peace at heart and true health in all aspects.
The author is raw food health instructor currently involved in guerilla gardening
and different art projetcs. He is medical doctor with scientific publications ranging
from ophthalmology to laser medicine, medical ethics and research in medical psychology.
this ebook is the second publication in ebook format.

Andreas Tuengler
Vaalser Str. 143
52074 Aken – Aachen – Aix-la-Chapelle (Federal Republic of Germany)
[email protected]

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