• 14. März 2025

Major New STN® Release Delivers Essential Biomedical and Patent Content to IP Professionals


Feb. 10, 2015

Largest content expansion to date extends the enhanced new STN search experience to a broader range of users.

Columbus, Ohio and Karlsruhe, Germany (February 10, 2015) – STN partners, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) and FIZ Karlsruhe, are pleased to announce the latest release of the new STN platform, a web-based search solution offering essential, value-added content in an intuitive, powerful interface designed for professional IP searching. New databases deliver highly anticipated content, including premier biomedical databases BIOSIS®, MEDLINE® and Embase™, complementary life science databases CABA and FSTA, and full-text databases that expand global patent portfolio coverage beyond what is available on the classic STN platform.

„New STN is a modern, efficient research solution, and the addition of new biomedical and patent databases allows more IP professionals to take advantage of this enhanced search experience,“ said Christine McCue, vice president of marketing at CAS.

The latest release also includes new features and interface refinements that enhance efficiency and usability. Additional thesauri, including the Embase Emtree Thesaurus and MeSH Medical Subject Headings in MEDLINE, enable discovery of search terms and synonyms for even more comprehensive retrieval. Highly requested hit chemical structure displays and CAS Registry Number® highlighting speeds answer review by indicating the relevant chemical entities in CAplusSM search results. In addition, INPADOC enhancements, including new family displays, increase users“ ability to leverage global patent content to answer business-critical questions.
New STN delivers the high-quality content, search power and precision needed to understand and protect intellectual property in today“s global economy. As searchers increasingly adopt the new platform, they have expressed appreciation for the enhanced search power, intuitive chemical structure search capabilities, and unique features, such as Extended Patent Family Tables, that enable them to search in ways that had not previously been possible. Users also praise the project-oriented workflow and intuitive interface that enhance their efficiency by integrating real-time analysis with query development and answer set review.

„This release marks an important milestone in bringing STN“s value-added content portfolio to the new platform,“ said Dr. Rainer Stuike-Prill, vice president marketing and sales at FIZ Karlsruhe. „Feedback from users is instrumental to our progress, and we are excited to offer new content and features that deliver highly requested enhancements.“

About STN
The choice of patent experts, only STN® offers access to trusted scientific and technical information including the authoritative chemistry content from CAS and patent content from Thomson Reuters“ Derwent World Patents Index®. Intellectual property professionals and patent examiners at the world“s major patent offices and research organizations rely on STN for their information needs. STN is operated jointly by CAS and FIZ Karlsruhe worldwide.

About CAS
Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), a division of the American Chemical Society, is the world’s authority for chemical information. CAS is the only organization in the world whose objective is to find, collect, and organize all publicly disclosed substance information. A team of scientists worldwide curates and controls the quality of our databases, which are recognized as the most comprehensive and authoritative by chemical and pharmaceutical companies, universities, government organizations and patent offices around the world. By combining these databases with advanced search and analysis technologies (SciFinder® and STN), CAS delivers the most current, complete, secure, and interlinked digital information environment for scientific discovery.

About FIZ Karlsruhe
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure is a non-profit corporation and the largest non-university institution for information infrastructure in Germany. Our mission is to supply scientists and companies with professional research and patent information as well as to develop innovative information services. FIZ Karlsruhe strives to strengthen the transfer of knowledge in Germany and abroad and to support the promotion of innovation. FIZ Karlsruhe is a member of the Leibniz Association, which comprises almost 90 institutions involved in research activities and/or the development of scientific infrastructure. Learn more by visiting us at www.fiz-karlsruhe.de , and follow us on Twitter (@fiznews).

Additional Information:
FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1 , 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
Phone: +49 7247 808-555, Fax: +49 7247 808-259 , E-mail: helpdesk(at)fiz-karlsruhe.de

Press Contact:
FIZ Karlsruhe, Rüdiger Mack (Marketing Communications)
Phone: +49 7247 808-513
E-mail: ruediger.mack(at)fiz-karlsruhe.de

FIZ Karlsruhe – Leibniz-Institut für Informationsinfrastruktur ist eine gemeinnützige GmbH und die größte außeruniversitäre Informationsinfrastruktureinrichtung in Deutschland. Es hat den öffentlichen Auftrag, Wissenschaft und Forschung – auch in der Wirtschaft – mit wissenschaftlicher Information zu versorgen und entsprechende Produkte und Dienstleistungen auf dem Gebiet der Informationsinfrastruktur zu entwickeln. Unser Ziel ist die aktive Unterstützung der Innovationsförderung durch Stärkung des Wissenstransfers im nationalen wie im internationalen Rahmen. FIZ Karlsruhe ist Mitglied der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, unter deren Dach sich fast 90 Einrichtungen zusammengeschlossen haben, die Forschung betreiben und/oder wissenschaftliche Infrastrukturen bereitstellen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter: www.fiz-karlsruhe.de. Folgen Sie uns auf Twitter (@fiznews).

FIZ Karlsruhe
Robert Hauser
H-v-Helmholtz-Platz 1
76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
[email protected]

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