• 12. März 2025

Innovations, career opportunities and start-ups Saxony-Anhalt offers „IT you can touch“ at CeBIT


März 10, 2015

Innovations, career opportunities and start-ups  Saxony-Anhalt offers "IT you can touch" at CeBIT

(Mynewsdesk) Magdeburg / Hanover. Younger, fresher, more interactive – this year, Saxony-Anhalts state presentation at CeBIT 2015 in Hanover in Hall 9, booth C06 is no longer just a presentation platform for the states small and medium-sized enterprises to present their products and services to an international audience.

For the first time, the state presentation will portray the entire range of the current challenges and potential of the IT sector in Saxony-Anhalt comprehensively and using exciting examples from practice. Three themed days on 17, 18 and 19 March cover topics ranging from innovation potential to securing specialist workers and career opportunities to start-up successes and opportunities in the state.

In the process, the state of Saxony-Anhalts presentation would provide an informative, varied and above all very practical look at the IT sector in the state, which has developed rapidly in the last few years and has made Saxony-Anhalt to an internationally sought-after IT location, stresses Dr Carlhans Uhle, Managing Director of the Investment and Marketing Corporation Saxony-Anhalt (IMG) – The Economic Development Agency of the German Federal State of Saxony-Anhalt – which plays a key role in organising the state presentation. „In the last few years, industry giants such as Dell, IBM, Telekom subsidiary T-Systems and, most recently, the company Crafting IT have set up business here. On the other hand, Saxony-Anhalt is also home to particularly high-growth and highly innovative small and medium-sized enterprises. This mix is a good basis for success,“ says Uhle. „With the three themed days at the trade fair, we will show – by means of a varied programme with talks, presentations and discussions – what potential there is in Saxony-Anhalts IT sector. At the same time, thanks to the interactive character of the events, at the stand we will also offer first-hand insights behind the scenes of the research, development and innovation activity of the companies in the industry.“

An overview of the three themed days:

17/3/2015: Theme Day – Innovations:
„IT innovations from Saxony-Anhalt“ – under this theme, companies from Saxony-Anhalt present innovative IT solutions for the fields of medical engineering as well as safety and data security in a practice-orientated and vivid manner. Thus, not only does the high quality of the innovative IT solutions from the state become clear. The IT applications „Made in Saxony-Anhalt“ also provide highly practical insight into the important role of IT in the state, it being a cross-sectoral industry and an innovation driver for the development of all leading industries. One of the companies that will be involved in the fair is Dornheim Medical Images GmbH. The company will present the Dornheim Segmenter, a cross-platform visualisation, segmentation and analysis software that creates 3D models from volume data for such as the medical sector. In 2014, the didactic operational model of the ear bone was awarded the Hugo Junkers Innovation Award of the state of Saxony-Anhalt. In the area of data security, the company will present its latest external high-security hard disc, HS256 S3, „live“ for the first time. The data carrier is a development of the tried-and-tested model and offers more security and faster USB 3.0 data transfer.

18/3/2015: Theme Day – Securing specialist workers and career opportunities:
„Studying, living and working at the IT location of Saxony-Anhalt“ – the CeBIT themed day on Wednesday focuses completely on the IT specialists of tomorrow. Guest lectures and discussions with contact persons from the IT faculties of Saxony-Anhalts universities and universities of applied sciences offer the chance to become familiar with the good study and career opportunities on offer in the state. Representatives of successful IT companies provide insight into the outstanding opportunities for career entry and promotion at attractive employers at the IT location of Saxony-Anhalt.

19/3/2015: Theme Day – Start-ups:
„IT you can touch“ – that is the theme of the CeBIT themed day focusing on the dynamic and innovative IT start-up landscape in Saxony-Anhalt. In an interactive and varied programme, IT start-ups present their creative innovations live and allow insights behind IT scenes. For instance, new company Silver Seed Games UG occupies itself with the development and design of videogames in an interactive presentation. Here, games are played live and at the same time a look is taken behind the scenes at programming. Afterwards, PointMagic GmbH will present a live hack, asking the question „How safe is my PC“? And finally, tinker toys under the theme „Game 2.0“ give visitors to the Saxony-Anhalt stand the opportunity to design their own toy virtually in 3D, to print it live and then to take it home with them as an individualised souvenir. In the afternoon, young start-ups from Saxony-Anhalt will face the judgement of a panel of experts in a pitching event with short presentations of their projects.

For the programme of the themed days, please see the overview attached. For more detailed infos, please see: http://www.invest-in-saxony-anhalt.com/cebit-2015

Background: Saxony-Anhalt at CeBIT:
This year, more than 30 exhibitors and companies from business and science from the state of Saxony-Anhalt will be represented with presentations at CeBIT Hanover from 16-20 March. At the states community stand (Hall 9, Stand C06), companies from Saxony-Anhalt will present their information technology and processing products and services.
Moreover, the state will be represented on the community stand of the Federal Ministry of the Interiors IT Planning Council on the topic of e-government (Hall 7, Stand B42). Here, the Ministry of Finance will present examples of the use of new technology for efficient and citizen-orientated administration of the future on behalf of the state government of Saxony-Anhalt.
The presence of the state will be complemented by the participation of the universities and universities of applied sciences at the common central-German research stand „Research for the Future“ (Hall 9, Stand B18).

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Die Investitions- und Marketinggesellschaft Sachsen-Anhalt mbH (IMG) ist die Ansiedlungs- und Marketingagentur des deutschen Bundeslandes Sachsen-Anhalt. 

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