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GATC Biotech becomes first European services provider offering full access to QIAGENs Ingenuity® Variant Analysis


März 19, 2015

GATC Biotech becomes first European services provider offering full access to QIAGENs Ingenuity® Variant Analysis

(Mynewsdesk) * InViewTM Human Exome and QIAGEN’s software a perfect match
* Agreement provides comprehensive data analysis and interpretation to next generation sequencing customers of GATC Biotech
* Highest data quality paired with world-class bioinformatics analysis for exome sequencing experiments
Constance, Germany, March 19, 2015: GATC Biotech announced today the integration of QIAGEN’s Ingenuity® Variant AnalysisTM solution to complement their InViewTM Human Exome, providing customers of GATC Biotech an integrated solution to analyse and interpret their exome sequencing data to identify causal variants.

“This new commercial agreement with QIAGEN provides our customers with access to QIAGENs web-based software solution enabling rapid analysis and interpretation of next generation sequencing (NGS) data in terms of relevant genetic variations. We are eager to offer them a unique, fully integrated one-stop solution. This was the key motivator behind GATC Biotech choosing QIAGEN’s Ingenuity® Variant Analysis making this solution is a perfect match. Integrating this software tool with our InViewTM Human Exome product enables us to provide superior accuracy and ease of use for end-users like clinical and laboratory geneticists and other professionals investigating links between known mutations and rare diseases,” said Dr. Marcus Benz, Chief Operating Officer of GATC Biotech.

QIAGEN’s Ingenuity® Variant Analysis is a web-based software application quickly filtering genetic variants to identify those most likely to cause disease and providing researchers a powerful platform for efficiently evaluating data generated by high-throughput NGS technologies. It is built on the Ingenuity Knowledge Base, the most extensive manually curated, integrated repository of genomic information, scientific literature, and public databases.

“QIAGEN’s comprehensive portfolio of bioinformatics applications enables commercial service providers to deliver more compelling, accurate, and actionable results to their customers. We are pleased to partner with a leading sequencing service provider such as GATC Biotech.” said Jason T. Gammack, Vice President of QIAGEN Advanced Genomics and Head of Global Commercial Operations. “QIAGEN’s Ingenuity® Variant Analysis application will help GATC Biotech’s customers to quickly sift through millions of variants and identify causal variants based upon known relationships with pathways, genes, biological processes, and diseases.”

“Next generation sequencing has the potential to transform the market of human diagnostics. However, there is an urgent need for an optimised and scalable interpretation of clinical variants,” said Benjamin Moingeon, GATC Biotech’s Director of Sales. “In our efforts to provide customers the best possible service, this software tool will enable us to provide world-class data analysis for our InViewTM Human Exome product” he added.

About GATC Biotech

GATC Biotech, a family-owned business, is Europe’s leading service provider of DNA and RNA sequencing. For over two decades, the company has offered sequencing and bioinformatics solutions from single samples up to large scale projects. During this time, GATC Biotech has developed to a renowned brand, not only mastering a broad range of technologies and related downstream data analysis, but also processing millions of customer samples in professional quality and ready for diagnostic purposes.

The company offers true multiplatform sequencing using all leading sequencing technologies in its own labs. Its headquarter in Constance, Germany houses its ISO 17025 certified Genome and Diagnostic Centre with focus on next and third generation sequencing. The European Custom Sequencing Centre located in Cologne, Germany focuses on Sanger sequencing. This advantageous location ensures fast and efficient logistics. All laboratories have highly integrated and fully automated processing pipelines, ensuring full compliance with latest state-of-the-art quality standards.

Please visit www.gatc-biotech.com for more information.

About QIAGEN Redwood City

Formerly Ingenuity Systems, QIAGEN’s Center of Excellence in Biological Interpretation is based in Redwood City, California. It is powered by Ingenuity® technologies and is the global leading provider of biomedical information and analysis solutions for the exploration, interpretation and analysis of complex biological systems in life science research and molecular diagnostics. Today QIAGEN’s Ingenuity solutions are used by tens of thousands of researchers and clinicians at hundreds of leading pharmaceutical, biotechnology, academic, diagnostic and clinical institutions worldwide.


QIAGEN N.V., a Netherlands-based holding company, is the leading global provider of Sample to Insight solutions to transform biological materials into valuable molecular insights. QIAGEN sample technologies isolate and process DNA, RNA and proteins from blood, tissue and other materials. Assay technologies make these biomolecules visible and ready for analysis. Bioinformatics software and knowledge bases interpret data to report relevant, actionable insights. Automation solutions tie these together in seamless and cost-effective molecular testing workflows. QIAGEN provides these workflows to more than 500,000 customers around the world in Molecular Diagnostics (human healthcare), Applied Testing (forensics, veterinary testing and food safety), Pharma (pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies) and Academia (life sciences research). As of December 31, 2014, QIAGEN employed approximately 4,300 people in over 35 locations worldwide. Further information can be found at http://www.qiagen.com

Contact GATC Biotech

Dr. Helge Schnerr
GATC Biotech AG
Phone: +49 (0) 7531 81 60 4117
[email protected]

Contact Qiagen Redwood City

Bryant Macy
Qiagen Redwood City
[email protected]

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GATC Biotech ist Europas führender Anbieter von Sequenzierdienstleistungen und Bioinformatik. Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten entwickelt das Familienunternehmen innovative und komplette Lösungen rund um DNA- und RNA-Sequenzierung, inklusive der bioinformatischen Auswertung. Die Aufträge aus Industrie und akademischer Forschung reichen dabei von einzelnen DNA-Proben bis hin zu komplexen Genomprojekten. Bis heute hat GATC Biotech über 6 Millionen Proben sequenziert, darunter zehntausende Genome von Pflanzen, Bakterien und anderen Organismen sowie hunderte von menschlichen Genomen.

Als zertifizierter Agilent und Illumina Service Provider bieten GATC Biotech Sequenzierungen auf allen führenden Technologien in den unternehmenseigenen Laboren an. Das nach ISO 17025 zertifizierte Genom und Diagnostic Centre mit Schwerpunkt auf der Next Generation Sequenzierung befindet sich im Firmenhauptsitz des Unternehmens in Konstanz. Köln bietet als logistische Drehscheibe den idealen Standort für das hauseigene Labor der Sanger Sequenzierung. Voll automatisierte Prozesse aller Labore garantieren die Einhaltung neuester und hochmodernster Qualitätsstandards. Weiterführende Informationen finden Sie auf der Firmenwebseite http://www.gatc-biotech.com.


Dr. Helge Schnerr
Jakob-Stadler-Platz 7
78467 Konstanz
07531 81 60 41 54
[email protected]

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