• 14. März 2025

Exchange Summit 2015


Juli 8, 2015

From E-Invoicing to Supply Chain Financing

Exchange Summit 2015

E-Invoicing is still an important topic for the majority of companies around the world. With new government initiatives ahead, a diversity of challenges need to be faced.

The Exchange Summit 2015 held on October 5th and 6th in Barcelona provides a platform to get in-depth information about recent developments and future trends.

Global thought leaders will discuss, amongst other topics, how changes and shifts in the company and the grown maturity of the E-Invoicing market opened new opportunities, the integration of E-Invoicing into the existing IT landscape, the impact of platformisation on P2P processes and the ERP landscape, E-Invoicing in public procurement – the opportunity and challenges.

There will also be a Best Practice Panel on „How to implement (mandatory) BtG E-Invoicing successfully“ held by Peter Noren, Head of unit implementation & sourcing of enterprise applications, The Swedish National Financial Management Authority, Sweden, Simon Zbinden, E-Government Finance, Switzerland, Gerhard Laga, The Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Austria and Jan Sulik, Head of Service for Development of E-Business at Ministry of Economy, Croatia.

Key Note Speakers include Bruno Koch, Market Analyst, Billentis, Switzerland,
Dr. Ulrich Kampffmeyer, Managing Director, PROJECT CONSULT Unternehmensberatung, Hamburg, Germany, David Gustin, President, Global Business Intelligence, CoFounder, Trade Financing Matters, Tom Olavi Bangemann, Senior Vice President Business Transformation, The Hackett Group.

Elina Koskentalo, Project Manager, XBRL Finland and Bo Harald, Founder of the Real Time Economy Program, Chairman of the former EC Expert Group on E-Invoicing will talk about the next steps towards the real time economy: XBRL and data extraction to automate administrative processes.

Dejan Resavac, Corporate Sector Finance and Accounting, Process Owner Accounts Payable, Bosch and Mitchell Hartz, Corporate Financial Accounting, Process Expert Accounts Payable, Bosch will give insight into worldwide implementation of supplier collaboration platform as a P2P process within Bosch.

The contribution of E-Invoicing to fight the economic crisis and to increase transparency in the context of the reform of public administration in Spain is the topic Fernando de Pablo Martín, Office for the Implementation of Public Administration Reform, Vicepresidencia del Gobierno will be presenting.

Esa Tihilä, Co-Chair EESPA and CEO Basware, Tim Cole, EESPA Interoperability Working Group leader and Christiaan van der Valk, EESPA Public Policy Working Group Leader will discuss building critical mass and creating the interoperable eco-system – the EESPA programme.

This is just a snapshot on who will present on this years Exchange Summit, as the agenda is still developing.

The Exchange Summit always welcomes high level participants, such as CFOs, heads of A/R and A/P, procurement, invoice management, supply chain management and IT, representing companies that are already using E-Invoicing or planning to start soon. This year the worlds of presentation, exhibition and networking will merge into one, to increase the community experience.

For further information visit:

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