• 13. März 2025

Endocrine Disruptors


Aug. 3, 2015

Impact Assessment, Testing Methods and Risk Assessment for Endocrine Disruptors

Endocrine Disruptors

12 – 13 October 2015 – Conference
14 October 2015 – Workshop

There are complex efforts and challenges related to endocrine disruptors. The possibility of a threat caused by chemicals, biocides or plant protection products exists. But it is hard to understand what exactly companies will need to do according to upcoming regulatory requirements.

The conference „Endocrine Disruptors“ will give in-depth knowledge on the current state of the science for testing methods, the potential impact of identifying endocrine disruptors across different legislations and endocrine disruptors in the context of REACH.

Laura Fabrizi, Policy Officer, Unit E3 Sector Pesticides and Biocides,
DG SANTE from the European Commission will give a presentation on the impact assessment for defining criteria on endocrine disruptors.
Nathalie Delrue, Toxicologist, Environment Directorate, Environment, Health and Safety Division will provide insight into OECD“s activities on endocrine disruptors.
ECHA“s work on endocrine disruptors under REACH will be covered by Conor Clenaghan, Unit D 2 – Classification and Prioritisation.

The speaker panel also includes Bayer CropScience, Karolinska Institutet, CEFIC, Evonik Industries, KEMI and many more.

The workshop on the 14th of October covers Endocrine Disruptors and the interaction of different pieces of regulation.

Further more information:

Die Chem-Academy veranstaltet erstklassige Tagungen, Konferenzen und Workshops zu aktuellen Themen aus der chemischen Industrie. Die Veranstaltungen zeichnen sich durch einen hohen Praxisbezug und erfahrene Referenten aus Wissenschaft und Praxis aus.

Vereon AG, Chem-Academy
Stephan Mayer
Hauptstrasse 54
8280 Kreuzlingen
0041-71-677 87 03
[email protected]

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