• 14. März 2025

Configured today – delivered tomorrow: tde web shop offers unique range of configuration possibilities


Juli 22, 2015

New features of tde“s online shop guarantee feasible and correct configurations

Configured today - delivered tomorrow: tde web shop offers unique range of configuration possibilities

(Bildquelle: tde – trans data elektronik GmbH)

Dortmund, 22. July 2015. tde – trans data elektronik has now integrated the tried-and-tested fibre-optic patch and trunk cables as well as fibre-optic splice box configurators into the B-to-B web shop. In this way, the network specialist offers an industry-wide unique range of configuration possibilities. When placing their orders users can already choose from a wide range of products for their individual configuration of fibre-optic patch and trunk cables as well as splice boxes and breakout boxes with a variety of mountings. An integrated intelligent test system guarantees web users to configure feasible and correct applications only. After configuring the application users can immediately place their order, which is then transferred to tde“s inventory and control system. Since time-consuming queries no longer arise and customer needs can be processed more efficiently tde is able to deliver the order within 24 hours. Customers can order tde“s wide product range including applications created with fibre-optic configurators for the application areas datacom, telecom, industry, medical and defence directly at http://shop.tde.de/.

Customers can now individually create and directly order a variety of configurations in tde „s web shop. tde has enhanced the usability of its B-to-B web shop and expanded it with the configurators for customised fibre-optic patch and trunk cables as well as fibre-optic splice enclosures. This enormously increases the product range without tde having to store the articles. As a special feature customers do not have to leave the system to place their order and receive a feasible and correct configuration including the data sheet. The result is a high standard of quality throughout the entire process from placing the order to the finished product.

Correct configurations in three steps
When designing the web shop and the configurators tde attached great importance to intuitive usability and professional support: In only three easy steps customers can specifically and correctly configure fibre optic cables. The customer first chooses the cable and then the connectors before deciding on extras such as pulling socks or labels. Based on the selected parameters the choice of cable types or connectors is automatically reduced so that feasible configurations are guaranteed.

This principle is also used for the fibre-optic splice enclosure configurator for splice boxes and breakout boxes with different mountings; all common fibre-optic connector types ranging from ST to E2000 connectors can be used. For the configuration customers first choose the enclosure from the drop-down menu followed by the mounting according to the criteria fibre type, fibre optic adapter type and pigtails. Lastly, customers can decide whether they want their application prepared ready to splice or equipped with a crimp splice protection. For a better understanding a matching picture of each component illustrates every step.

Intelligent test system included
To avoid mistakes and queries and to be able to react efficiently to customers“ needs tde has integrated an intelligent test system for feasible and correct configurations. In this way the configured applications can be ordered directly in the shop without errors and the network specialist is able to deliver within 24 hours. Customised labels can also be added.

„High quality, reliability, fast reaction times and short delivery periods for our customers are our aspiration. The very high acceptance of our online tools and the positive feedback on our web shop confirm that we really meet our customers“ needs,“ Andre Engel, CEO at tde, says. „This is why we will further expand this offer in the future“.

The configurators for the fibre-optic patch and trunk cables and the fibre-optic splice enclosures are now available at http://shop.tde.de/.

For more than 20 years the tde- trans data elektronik GmbH, an internationally successful company, has specialised in the development and production of scalable cabling systems for highest packing density. Also the nuclear research centre CERN relies on the know-how of the leading company in multi-fibre technics (MPO). The portfolio „Made in Germany“ contains complete system solutions with a focus on Plug&Play for high speed applications in the field of Datacom, Telecom, industry, medical and defence. With its own service department tde offers planning and installation services from one source and supports the „European Code of Conduct“ when it comes to energy efficiency in data centres. For more information visit: www.tde.de

tde – trans data elektronik
André Engel
Im Defdahl 233
44141 Dortmund
+49 231 160480
[email protected]

epr – elsaesser public relations
Frauke Schütz
Schaezlerstr. 38
86152 Augsburg
+49 – (0)821 – 45 08 79 – 16
[email protected]

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